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Brand Pillars Employee Benefits Employee Perks


To build, nurture and grow Denny’s culture, wildly diverse, demonstrably inclusive and unquestionably fair and equal in opportunity for all; To be a place that employs all, buys from all, promotes all, serves all and supports all as a natural extension of who we are.


We will become the industry leader in all areas of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion. This status will allow us to not only lead for our people and society, but also grow our business results for all of our various stakeholders.


Embrace openness is one of our five guiding principles and part of the values all must follow to work at Denny’s. Embrace Openness means we value all people and all areas of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion.






Having integrity means doing the right thing—even when it isn’t easy or popular. Employees must be honest, patient, respectful, and law abiding. Employees should avoid conflicts of interests and speak up when they notice something wrong. These values will continue to lead us to be a better employer while allowing us to provide superior service to our guests.






Denny’s embraces the strengths and talents that come from having a workforce with diverse backgrounds. We will not tolerate discrimination in our workplace by an employee, supervisor, guest, or supplier.

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