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Verified Employee

5 years ago
7.40 out of 10
Not Easy but Good Culture
I think that this is a great place to work as a woman. Great benefits and competitive pay. Company focuses on equality. This job is not for everyone because it is very demanding and stressful.

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Verified Employee

5 years ago
6.60 out of 10
Changing for the Worst
Verizon Wireless was a great place to work and I should know, I worked there for more than 10 years. I have worked for a lot of companies and Verizon at one time had thoughtful infrastructure to encourage and support employee growth. The culture use to instill a customer focus and treated its employees like they too are customers. Previously, most employees would tell you that they bleed “Verizon Red.” However, at some point, there seemed to be separation between management and other employees. The focus soon became more about money and downsizing became a trend in the last 5 years. Now I fear losing my job because of “business needs.” I now think the only downfall now is employee stability. I think that I may be making a move soon to make another company great.

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