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Affinity Groups/Employee Resource Group

Does it have an executive champion
Does it have an executive champion
Does it have an executive champion
Does it have an executive champion
Does it have an executive champion
Differently Abled
Does it have an executive champion


Formal Women Mentorship/Sponsorship Programs?

Since 2015, Tech Women @ Intuit is a multidimensional program that empowers women of all ages and experience levels to share their expertise, advance their skills, and grow their networks. Tracy Stone, Global Lead for TWI, shares insights into the program and how it continues to inspire the next generation of female technologists. 


Intuit: Tech Women @ Intuit strives to support women at every stage of their STEM career. Can you tell us how your own experience led you to TWI?

Formal Hispanic Mentorship/Sponsorship Programs?


Formal Black Mentorship/Sponsorship Programs?


Formal Asian Mentorship/Sponsorship Programs?


Formal LGBTQIA+ Mentorship/Sponsorship Programs?


Formal Differently Abled Mentorship/Sponsorship Programs?


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